My DataFam Journey
You will feel amazing when you join the tableau Community #datafam. I am extremely grateful to those who have supported me on this journey. This is my space where I want to express my gratitude to the community and highlight their contributions. It contains my interactions and mentions from members of the DataFam who have helped me grow. Everyone's journey in this community will be unique, but nobody will have to go it alone.
PublicTUG Team
Ateken Abla & Tableau
Sarah Barlett
VizForSocialGood Awards
Sarah Barlett
ComuniDatos - Ruy Aguilar
ComuniDatos - Pahola Diaz
Ateken Abla & Tableau
Whitney Wood
Brandi Beals
Nicole Klassen
Satoshi Ganeko
Simon - #SportVizSunday
Kyle Massey & Zak Geis
Sarah Bartlett
Sarah Bartlett & Ken Flerlage
Ant Pulley
Tableau Public
Diego T. Parker
Michelle Frayman & Zak Geis
Sarah Barlett
Brian Moore